Saturday, July 16, 2005

Coffee, mmmmmmmm, Coffee.........

Each morning I wake up I follow a routine just as so many people in this world do. Lately I've noticed some of the little things I do out of this routine. Usually around 7am I'm arriving at work and usually check email. Somewhere between then and 8am I reach out for my morning addiction, a cup of coffee.

I get up and head on over to the break room where I'm joined by my coworkers and wait for the machine to finish doing its magic. As I'm standing there I begin to realize how much like rats in a scientific experiment we are. You know, the kind where the rats all hang around the food machine that drops a food pellet when the they press a button. The thought catches me, but it is more than that because I further realize how it is our addiction to this substance that has brought upon this gathering. Addiction, strong word huh? The sad thing is this isn't a rare event in our society. It happens in offices all over the world, which is why I believe it is important enough for me to make a comment and why I believe you should feel free to also.

Today our intern made the coffee. Today we learned the intern can't make coffee and therefore never will again. However, I believe she was smart, if she made it well, we'd ask her to make it everyday. Good for her. I've been at the bottom of the food chain and remember those little tricks.

Remember folks



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